Drop In Line

Wide range of elements heated by water, air and tempered glass, static and ventilated refrigerated units and display counters are projected with tanks and lowered plans in order to make possible any realization able to exalts the qualities of the proposed foods and the composition of the surrounding environment, integrating themselves in every décor.

The finishes details and the qualities of the steel processing, combine technology and practicality of usage with the beauty of a functional product, pleasant to see and easy to maintain.

Beyond the classic to create new presentation places for food

The Drop In line is made with a strong Aisi 304 stainless steel structure with a semi polished Scotch Brite finish 10/10 thickness for the tops with tanks, and galvanized steel 6/10 thickness for the external Built-in structure. The standard sizes available go from 2Gn up to 6Gn.

Linea Drop In - Oltre il Classico per creare nuovi spazi di presentazione del cibo | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - La linea Drop In è realizzata con una robusta struttura in acciaio inox | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - Vetrina Calda | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - Elementi Caldi | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - Riscaldamento ad acqua, aria o con vetro temperato | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - Elementi Refrigerati | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - Vetrine Refrigerate chiusura a tendina | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - Chiusura lato servizio con due porte scorrevoli in plexiglass | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - Elementi Caldi | Art Serf
Linea Drop In - kit illuminazione a led | Art Serf



The Drop In line consists of a stainless steel with a hard-wearing structure.



Completamente in acciaio inox.



Available as a wide range of elements (hot, cold and neutral) that differ in type and size.

Drop In - Heated Elements

Heating through water, air or tempered glass. Equipped with a glass superstructure completed by breath shield, heating system through ceramic cupel and halogen lighting kit. The controls are provided separately on the stainless-steel panel or, on request, in the lamp holder.


Linea Drop In - Elementi Caldi - Caldo ventilato | Art Serf


Linea Drop In - Elementi Caldi - Piano riscaldato | Art Serf


Heating Display Counter

Element with one or two tempered glass heating shelves, closed by sliding doors on service side and open on customer side.

Equipped with led lighting kit. Also available in “Cubica” version.

Linea Drop In - Vetrina calda - vetro riscaldante | Art Serf


Drop In - Cooling Elements

Static or ventilated refrigeration. These elements can be accessorized with condensate evaporation bowls and they are available in remote version. Equipped with a glass superstructure completed by led lighting kit. The controls are provided separately on the stainless-steel panel or, on request, in the lamp holder.




Refrigerated Display Counters

Elements with included led lighting kit and glass shelves. Service side closed by Plexiglas sliding doors and open customer side, which can be completed with curtain, glass door or Plexiglas little flaps.

Linea Drop In - Vetrine Refrigerate - Elegance | Art Serf



Linea Drop In - Vetrine Refrigerate - cubica | Art Serf